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Writing & Speeches

  • Letter to the Community

    Howard University President Ben Vinson III to present March 17 Compton Lecture

    To the members of the MIT community:

    I hope you will join me on Monday, March 17, as Dr. Ben Vinson III, distinguished historian and president of Howard University, delivers the Karl Taylor Compton Lecture.

    AI in an Age After Reason: A Discourse on…

  • Transcript

    Update from President Kornbluth on MIT’s response to federal actions

    Hello, everyone.

    I’m not bringing you any breaking news. I just want to offer a couple of observations about recent developments…and let you know how we intend to go forward from here.

    As you may be seeing in your own units, as federal actions continue…

  • Letter to the Community

    New Leadership to Advance MIT HEALS

    Dear members of the MIT community,

    At the December launch of the MIT Health and Life Sciences Collaborative (MIT HEALS), I promised we would soon announce a faculty lead, and today I'm delighted to let you know that we have appointed Angela Koehler. A…

  • Letter to the Community

    Provost Cynthia Barnhart to step down

    Dear members of the MIT community,

    I write to let you know that Cynthia Barnhart SM ’86, PhD 88, the Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management Science and Professor of Operations Research, has decided to step down as MIT’s provost. To help us navigate the…

  • Letter to the Community

    Response to proposed cuts by the NIH

    Dear members of the MIT community,

    I write to describe the potential impact of a recent announcement by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and to share the actions we’re taking in response.

    As you’ve likely heard, Friday evening, the NIH announced…

  • Letter to the Community

    Vice President for Equity and Inclusion Karl Reid to step down

    Dear members of the MIT community,

    I write to share the news that Vice President for Equity and Inclusion Karl Reid '84, SM '85 has informed me of his decision to step down from his position to dedicate himself to the broader project of building pathways for…