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Writing & Speeches

  • Letter to the Community

    Climate Project: Our new mission directors

    Dear members of the MIT community,

    I’m delighted to announce the faculty members who have agreed to lead the six Climate Missions at the heart of the Climate Project at MIT.

    Decarbonizing Energy and Industry

    Elsa Olivetti PhD ’07, Materials…
  • Speech

    OneMIT Ceremony – Charge to the graduates

    Penny, and Mikala – thank you both, for your reflections today, and for your leadership in our community.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

    It's customary, on this day of celebration, for the president to deliver a “charge” to the graduating class. In year when…

  • Letter to the Community

    Actions this morning

    Dear members of the MIT community,

    At my direction, very early this morning, the encampment on Kresge lawn was cleared. The individuals present in the encampment at the time were given four separate warnings, in person, that they should depart or face arrest…

  • Letter to the Community

    Update on the encampment

    Dear members of the MIT community,

    We write to provide an update on the campus encampment.

    We began the day with another round of discussions with the student leaders from the encampment. It quickly became clear that their primary demand had not changed…

  • Letter to the Community

    Actions being taken regarding the encampment

    Dear members of the MIT community,

    The war in the Middle East continues to cause anguish and conflict here at MIT.  Some have expressed their views through the encampment on the Kresge lawn. My team and I, as well as many faculty members, have engaged in…

  • Letter to the Community

    Important Update

    Dear members of the community,

    As I explained by video last Saturday, one of our concerns about the current encampment has been its potential to turn our campus into a magnet for protestors from outside MIT. This is not theoretical: Earlier this week, a…